Human Value

Value makes human culture & civilization. Human must be able to explore & generate its value not only to survive, but also to exist among its community. That differentiates human against other creatures. This is what so called human as social creature.
When value of a thing goes high positive, it must be on demand. When its value is zero, it should be nothing or it may just be a used-stuff, garbage or a like. When its value goes low negative, it would be annoying or may be more; a dangerous thing hence it has to be avoided or even more; exterminated. The above illustration may also valid for human.
The value even can stay last longer than its physical material. Pythagoras may have just died thousand years ago, but his value is long lasting, and so does Sir Isaac Newton. You may have to thank Alexander Fleming for his effort invented antibiotics to cure your illnesses even though that he had died many years ago. People today are still enjoying the value of these remarkable men. But again, since value is human perception, its universality becomes relative. One can respect a lot, appreciate a lot, and demand a lot while not to others for any given thing. The more people utilize someone's value, the more universal his/her value.
In another context, people used to refer this matter as human capital which shows the human skill representing their knowledge and ability. At last but not the least .. Be a useful person by sharing your useful value to others, in Indonesian this is called as “Gunawan”! (Igunone)
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