I don’t know what the “God” word means, but I believe that it must be something that we can call it in such a great name, otherwise it must not a "God".
I also believe that questioning the above would yield a tremendous debate. But I shall return it all to you; therefore you’ll be the judge for yourself. As you go through below, please keep in mind that you should put all of your attributes off. Only use your conscience mind and your logic.
Section one: I’ll ask you to think about yourself, what do you consider about yourself? What I mean is do you think that you are a human? Sorry for questioning such this question, but this is important to identify yourself. If your answer is “No, I am not a human” then you may just go ahead for neglecting God existence and don’t have to continue reading the rest of this writing.
Section two: If you read section two then you must be a valid human. The question for section two is what makes you feel valid as being a human? Biologically, human is made up by flesh, blood, brain, bones, etc. It’s mammalian, like horse, cat, dog, cow, etc. If that so, can we consider ourselves as another type of animal? If your answer is “No, we can’t” then you can continue to the next section, otherwise you may just off.
Section three: You have just expressed yourself as a human and refused to be said as another type of animal. What makes you feel decent to be like that? I would bet that whatever your answer is, the bottom-line is that because you want to preserve your value as a human with all of its aspects that you can name it. Up to this, you may go to this HumanValue to give you more illustration.
As of now that you have agreed to continue to section three, you should be respecting and believing in human value. Every human must have his/her own value, whoever s(he) is. Even it’s just a little baby that never been delivered to the world by its mom for whatever reason died while still inside the womb, it must have value. But, how insist you are try to preserve the value if then it’s just nothing, not lasted, disappeared and no body cares about it?
You may need a terminal explanation for all of this, let me give you an analogy for all of above. Will you do what I say to throw all your money including what you have now in your wallet, in your bank account, etc away from you? Why not? Will you refuse to accept some additional value in your bank account?
You may refuse it, but you cannot avoid the fact that with the value of that money, you would be able to buy and fulfill your needs. How do you believe the value of money? You will find that finally the value of monetary system is guaranteed by the central bank of any given country as the money issuer. Any duplication effort beyond issuer authority is not allowed hence illegal.
As you see, the monetary system is enforced by the central bank as the money issuer. Wherever the money is, as long as the central bank exists, its value would be justified and testified at the end. Otherwise, go ahead to tear it apart or throw it all because it’s nothing but a stupid priceless thing. In other words; that money is valuable as long as the issuer exist.
Now, we can go back to our case; what makes you believe the value as being a human? Even if you are no one, nothing but the dust, do you still insist?
You have your own conscience mind and logic to justify and testify your existence in this universe.
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