Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Flu Burung

Al-Malikul Kudus, the Owner of the Universe.. Please have this disease gone. Though I know that none of Your creatures are in vain (including the H5N1), but for the sake of lovely poultry.. birds, chickens, ducks, swans, .. I don’t want to see them priceless and useless.

Jika dalam bahasa Indonesia, seringkali malah jadi terkesan dramatis...
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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Lesson from Developing and Selling the Solution

1. Focus to the market demand
When we got an idea for developing a solution, ensure that the solution is a market demand thing. Otherwise it ends up with a time & energy wasting. Check whether market willing to pay for your solution. Your solution maybe not something new and has widely known, but it may also be something new or not common.

To determine whether your solution is marketable or not, you have to find out how your solution would give benefit for your customer. (S)trengths-(W)eaknesses-(O)pportunities-(T)hreats analysis would help to reveal this. The solution maybe one step ahead beyond market needs, but if you confidence the value of the solution itself, then you may need to educate the market. Market has to be penetrated before you can get any sales point.

Once you say “Yes” to this point, then write up a list of reasons why market worth to buy your solution.

2. Analyze the market
Find out how is the market competition, how is the sales life cycle of the solutions, how is customer’s spending their money for your solution, find out the threats for your solutions (technology changing, economy downturn, process/methodology changing, etc).

Once you say "Yes" to this point, then continue to make it happen.

3. Develop the solution
Project management is the key tool to make your solution idea come into real. Developing the solution may consist of product/service engineering activity and also creation of its business plan. This would be a critical step to achieve.

Once you pass all these steps, you'll be in the business then.
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Monday, September 12, 2005

Professionalism: Stay Valuable in the Market

To be a successful professional worker, professionals should ensure their skills and competences are valuable to the industry market. Not only for the job seekers, professionals that have already worked at some company are also need to keep their skill set are up-to-date. The economy is keep changing, the technology is keep changing, and so is your company. Professionals have to be an architect for their own career and able to adapt to these changing to stay competitive and avoid being left behind.

Skill and competency development are important factors in this issue. The professional development itself can be driven by two factors:

  1. External direction: Market needs, Company Directions
  2. Internal direction: Personal/Self Objectives

Whether like it or not, being the professional workers have to be adaptive and flexible to the changes.
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Thoughtful Words of Today

All I have is much more than I expect.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Teori Relatifitas


Einstein adalah sebuah nama yg terlintas di benak saya ketika mendengar hal di atas. Relatifitas sering digunakan utk menjelaskan ketergantungan atas pendefinisian/ identifikasi suatu hal thd hal lainnya yg menjadi konteks acuan. Oleh karena itu, mudah sekali tersesat dalam rimba relatifitas ini manakala pendefinisian dan konteks acuan tidak terintegrasi. Pada kenyataannya, integrasi adalah hal yg terlalu sempurna utk didapatkan manakala relatifitas ini berada dalam dunia manusia yg serba tidak sempurna.


Suatu hari minggu pagi saya berjalan-jalan ke pasar kaget dekat rumah. Area yg aslinya merupakan areal ruko dan tempat orang biasa berolah raga pagi di akhir minggu ini berubah menjadi areal pedagang kaki lima baik yg pro maupun yg amatiran. Dari yang sistem gelar tikar, tanggungan, gerobak, sampai mobil sebagai alat pajangan barang dagangan, semua tumpah ruah di areal tsb. Mata saya kemudian terhenti ke sebuah pojok dimana seorang kakek dgn bakul tanggungannya sedang menjajakan pisang. Ya, hanya pisang mentah tepat seperti ketika dipetik dari kebun. Sekian waktu saya perhatikan beliau dgn topi jeraminya hanya menoleh ke kanan-kiri tanpa ada satu transaksi pun utknya. Pisang di bakulnya tampak masih penuh. Saya tidak tahu apakah beliau sudah mendapatkan transaksi atau belum pagi ini. Harapan saya adalah apapun yg terjadi beliau diberikan kemampuan utk mendapatkan rizki baginya dan keluarganya.


Teori relatifitas menunjukan pentingnya hubungan pendefinisian dan konteks acuannya. Pisang adalah hal yg nyata, jelas dan pasti nilai, fungsi serta manfaatnya, bahkan bagi seseorang yg tidak menyukainya sekalipun. Dgn demikan pisang bagaimanapun pasti akan menjadi sesuatu yg selalu diminati dan memiliki permintaan (demand). Namun dalam konteks pasar kaget di atas, pisang tampak menjadi sesuatu yg kurang bernilai dan diminati mengingat motivasi pembeli, barang dagangan yg tersedia, waktu, lokasi dll.

Indonesia, sbg sebuah kawasan yg sering disebut jamrud katulistiwa dgn segala kekayaan alam dan kesuburan tanahnya, menjanjikan kehidupan yg layak bagi umat yg mendiaminya. Namun dalam konteks dunia manusia, ternyata hal ini tidaklah selalu tepat seperti nilai objektifnya, atau dgn kata lain segalanya relatif.
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